Not gourmet, not refined, hell, not even that good. But with each fork full, there are few foods that are capable of bringing up feelings of innocence and simplicity while being an edible reminder of childhood accomplishments. Boxed Mac 'n' Cheese.I admit it. I like boxed Mac 'n' Cheese. There I said it. Happy? I said it.
There are a couple skeletons that I keep in my culinary closet and well, you can't doubt that this boxed meal has some sentimental value. It is one of the earliest memories I have of being in the kitchen, and I honestly can't remember how long I've been eating the stuff. And by stuff I really do mean "stuff." The bright orange powder, oddly shaped pasta, and the margarine used to make it are products of intense focus groups, lab work, and marketing campaigns. It is the antithesis to a baked Macaroni and Cheese made for me just the other day. That meal was far superior in every possible aspect: creamy texture with perfectly al dente macaroni, cheese sauce seasoned with precision to create layers of nuttiness and salt beyond comprehension, and a brightness contributed by a spot of tomato sauce added to the mix. It was uniquely delicious, yet familiar because there was an amount of love in this dish that could only come from something with heritage (the recipe was at least 3 generations old!). By all counts I should be fully embracing this original dish.
Yet, I can't disown the blue/red/white/green/generic branded box.
Boxed Mac 'n' Cheese has a special place in my heart next to the Happy Meal and Otter Pop. All are guilty pleasures because they helped form my food identity at a young age. Please help me get through my admission and tell me what are your guilty food pleasures?