I made the raviolis last night using fresh pasta with the help of my date. I didn't know where my pasta crank went so we set up a system where I flattened out the ravioli rounds while she spooned them with the filling and sealed them with an egg wash. Neatness counts so we cut them with the rim of a Red Hook tasting glass (totally MacGyver'd that one). Boiled in salt water, lightly fried in browned butter and sage, and finished with fresh grated parmesean cheese and parsley. The picture tells it all.
The food came out exactly as I imagined it. Each component played its part. Some subtle, some distinct, but all working together. Along with steamed broccoli and a delicious salad kit, we enjoyed the rest of our date.
So did I impress? I'm hopeful, but I do know we both had a good time making and eating the food.
2 comments until now.
/me wants :(
I wish I could cook... then I too can impress the ladies.
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